Corporate Social Responsibility

SP Medical acknowledges the Group’s responsibility to contribute to a sustainable development, and SP Medical does not see any contradiction in acting responsible on one side and striving to increase the Group’s earnings and growth on the other side. On the contrary!

SP Medicals’ Code of Conduct is a code of practice for ethical behavior. It sets standards for various areas with which our companies and staff must comply in order to uphold SP Medicals’ reputation as a group with high integrity and trustworthiness.

We take the view that we will be judged based on the methods we use to achieve results; therefore, we behave properly, professionally and responsibly.



In accordance with our values, we acknowledge our responsibility for contributing to sustainable development, and are not opposed to behaving responsibly, while simultaneously seeking to increase the group’s income and growth. On the contrary!


United Nations Global Compact

The point of departure for SP Medicals’ position is the United Nations Global Compact – the ten principles of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption, whereby the United Nation has laid down guidelines for companies’ work towards a more sustainable economy. In 2012, we signed up to the United Nations Global Compact and made a formal commitment to make the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact part of our business strategies and day-to-day operations.


Human rights and labour rights

SP Medical follows the principles in the Internal Labor Organization’s conventions and the UN’ Declaration on Human Rights (UNDHR). In other words, the group does not tolerate child- or forced labor, does not employ minors, and all forms of discrimination in labor/employee relationships are forbidden.


  • undefined

    Lasse Nielsen

    Manager, Finance and Administration


    "SP Medical does not see any contradiction in acting responsible on one side and striving to increase the Group’s earnings and growth on the other side. On the contrary!."

  • Learn more:

    Our Code of Conduct describes internal issues and external issues.




    » Internal Issues

    » External Issues

  • Download

    Download our Code of Conduct here:


    » Download

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